Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Cheap food, good food

Had a bit of an egg day today. Good quality pasture-fed eggs. Rich golden yolks. These chickens know what the outdoors is like. So dinner was a fritatta. Fried an onion, broccoli and zucchini in plenty of coconut oil, till soft. Then mixed 8 eggs and a pinch of salt, and poured it into the frying pan on top of the veges. Sprinkled some cheese on top (raw is best) and finished it under the griller to give a lovely tan. I was eating with a friend, who cooked up some roast veges and stirfried greens. I'd say we fed 3 adults and 3 kids for $4 (fritatta) plus $9 (veges) = $13.

Lunch was meaty. A tomato-y kangaroo stew. Kanga mince is only $7/kg. I fried an onion and the mince in coconut oil plus ghee (kanga is a bit lean, so need to add extra fat) then added 3 cups of beef stock, lots of veges, and bits and pieces from the condiments cupboard (leftover chutneys and tomato sauces etc). Reduce to a thick sauce. Add salt and pepper, herbs. A sprinkle of cheese on top. Finish with kimchi. Even my little person liked it. Plenty of leftovers too. I reckon it cost $5.

Eggs for breakfast. Scrambled is little person's favourite egg dish, so we did that (scrambled with plenty of butter and some cream) with toast (home made sourdough). I also had liberal kimchi and parsley. Mmmm. Couldn't be more than $3.

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